How to install Zoom VDI Client on the server and Zoom VDI Plugin on the local computer

How to install Zoom VDI Client on the server and Zoom VDI Plugin on the local computer

Zoom, a renowned video conferencing solutions provider offers a plugin to use their software and avoid latency when using a Virtual Desktop Environment. It comprises of two phases, install the Zoom VDI Client on your Virtual Server, and install the Zoom VDI Plugin on your physical client computer. Below are the steps for the End User and IT Departments

End Users Instructions:

1- Download Zoom Desktop software to be installed on your physical personal computer using the link below. 

2- Open the folder where the software was downloaded and double-click on the icon.

3- If a new pop-up window asking "Do you want to allow this app to make changes" appears on the screen, select YES. The software should automatically install on your desktop.

4- Please use the Zoom VDI Workspace app already installed in the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD).

5- To check if the connection from the AVD to the thin client (Physical PC) is working as expected do the following while on a zoom meetings call:


*** For IT Administrator Only ***

Below is the link to download the software on your VDI server.